About the company Apple Developer Academy @ POSTECH Ed-tech 교육 산업 The Apple Developer Academy @ POSTECH provides opportunity to all individuals in Korea to become a professional developer using Apple’s iOS ecosystem. The Academy focuses on coding, design, entrepreneurship, and professional skills. The Academy is a 10 month program offered in-person, 20 hours/week Monday – Friday. Academy students can expect to work on real-world challenges and connect with community and industry partners.
Job Category : Developer (Front, Backend, Fullstack) 개발자
Job Title : Marketing Manager
Experience Level: Junior (up to 4 years) 신입 (1-4년 경력)
Preferred Korean language proficiency : Bilingual 원어민 수준
Work location : On-location 현장근무 가능 (Pohang, POSTECH)
Type of contract : Fulltime 정규직
Salary Range (monthly) : KRW3,000,001 - 5,000,000 / 300 - 500만원
Responsibilities: The marketing manager leads the acquisition and assessment activities of incoming candidates of the apple developer academy. This position is responsible for the implementation of multi-channeled out-reach for the recruitment of high quality applicants for the academy. He or she will conduct necessary market research to discover the best way to reach targeted market group. He or she will plan and execute student fairs, in-school workshops, social media, and other inquiry generating activity. It requires a driven, independent person who can easily grasp the vision of the academy and translate to relatable messaging and benefits to potential candidate and stakeholders. This role also requires the ability to work across different teams to design and implement candidate assessment processes that is inline with the policy of both Apple, POSTECH, and local municipality. Ideally, the candidate should have at least 5-7 years ’experience as in education-related industry, but experience in NGO and corporate will be welcomed.
• Passion for learning • Proven experience in implementing high impact, successful acquisition programs for businesses or educational institutes. • Data-driven with strong analytical skills • Strong written and oral communication skills in English and Korean. • Strong work ethic and high integrity. • A compelling spokes-person for the Academy with strong public speaking ability • Proficient in English and Korean • Experience with copy writing in both English and Korean a plus
Please check the official page for detail.
Contact: soncg@postech.ac.kr
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